Stop wasting expensive traffic on bad landings
Get high-converting landing pages for your ads
Delivered in 3 days
Tailored with your branding and domain
Connected to your CRM
So we created a magic oven to bake landings segmented for your audiences
How it works
You send us information about your new campaign
We do a high-converting landing for that specific audience in 3 days
Leads arrive directly to your CRM
Your audience-specific ads go to generic landings
Landings with scape points, not focused in conversion
Weeks to create a landing for a campaign
Feedback takes several days to be applied
with Landing Bakery
Your segmented ads go to segmented landings
Landings 100% focused on conversion
Landings in 3 days
Feedback applied in 1 day, sometimes in hours
High quality score in your ad platforms reducing CPM